Mutual Funds

With Intercam Mutual Funds, we put your money to work for your goals

Our +TASA family of Funds is ideal for moderate, mid-sized and large investors, and for both debt and equity investment strategies. We also co-distribute funds for some of the country’s largest fund managers, covering a wide range of asset classes–peso debt at short, medium and long terms; foreign-currency debt, local and international stocks.


  • Authorized and regulated
  • Access to securities markets
  • Asset diversification
  • Expert management

Intercam wants to put  your money to work for your goals, which is why we have designed our +TASA family of Funds to pursue various investment strategies, both in debt and equities. As a complement, we have Funds managed by some of the country’s leading Fund Managers.  All together, the products we offer covers a complete range of asset classes, from peso debt at short, medium and long terms to foreign-currency debt, local and international stocks.

Proprietary Debt Funds

A short-term government debt fund. Designed for very low volatility, daily liquidity and an HR AAA/1CP rating.

A debt fund with a long-term horizon, which invests in a combination of government, bank and corporate securities. Weekly liquidity and an HR AAA/3CP rating.

Actively management government debt fund.  Seeks to create value through investments in nominal and/or real rate instruments at various terms.  Its investment horizon is long term.  It has 48-hour liquidity an HR AAA/4CP rating.

Short-term debt fund in dollars. Designed to help you shield against exchange rate fluctuations (peso/dollar). 24-hour liquidity and an HR AAA/2CP rating.

Debt fund, designed as an alternative for managing retirement fund assets.  Investment horizon is short term. Liquidity is daily, and rating is HR AAA/1CP.


Proprietary Equity Funds

Local equity fund. Diversifies your investment in growth stocks, seeking better long-term returns.  48-hour liquidity.

Global equity fund. Diversifies your investment in non-Mexican markets.  48-hour liquidity.


We offer you the choice of diversifying your assets through investment in funds operated by the country’s largest asset management firms.

The co-distributed funds we offer cover a wide range of asset classes to complement our proprietary fund offering.


The content of this webpage does not constitute an offering, suggestion or invitation to buy or sell any financial instrument or to make or cancel investments, nor should it serve as the basis for any contract, commitment or decision of any kind. Nevertheless, reasonable care has been taken to avoid the inclusion of false or misleading information.  Intercam offers funds managed by third parties in addition to its proprietary funds  +TASA, +TASALP, +TASAMX, +TASAUS, +TASAD1 y +TASAA1, which are managed by intercam Fondos S.A. de C.V., Sociedad Operadora de Fondos de Inversión, Intercam Grupo Financiero.

Information prospectuses can be viewed at or at our offices; we recommend you review these before making any investment decision. Past returns are no guarantee of future results.

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